
product design

Radojenski started as a personal high-schooler's attempt at elevating the audience, reach,a nd impact of his creations. While it did manage to bring the brand and name into the Bulgarian public and artistic spheres, the main focus of the product design experience was maintaining the style of the drawings, but making them both stand out, and appeal to a larger, younger audience.


  • Product
  • Design & Layout
  • Print
  • Visual Communication
  • Art Direction
  • Distribution


  • July 2018

Editing and design preparation


Original Drawings

The drawings were a part of the personal collection of charcoal drawings of bodies (mostly women's). Their aim was to alter the vision of the body from an object onto which one projects his desires, to an object onto which one reflects aestheticaly.


The logotype is a combination between the Bulagrian Cyrillic letters of 'Р' and 'ж'.
These stand for the first letter of the author's name - Radovenski, and the first letter of the bulgarian word for 'woman's' /жenski/ - hence the name becomes a wordplay between the author's name and the artistic focus on the female body.
